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Watercolour Bubble Print

In this lesson, students will explore colour, shape, and tone to create bubbles using watercolour and circular prints on various objects. Students will utilize found circular objects and apply watercolour to their rims. They will then stamp these objects onto cartridge paper and proceed to spread the pigment around the circle to resemble a bubble.

Step 1

Students begin by choosing porcelain, or metal circular objects for creating different sized round prints. Encourage the use of recycled materials such as old glue sticks, mark tops, and jars.

Step 2

Students select specific colours from their watercolour palette. They can choose warm colours, cool colours, or a combination of both. Students paint these colours onto the rim of their circular objects.

Step 3

Students will then print their watercolour circles. Students press the coloured object onto the paper, creating a circular mark.

Step 4

Students will then work with pigment blending Using a wet brush. Guide students to bring some of the watercolour pigment from the outer edge of the circle towards the centre. Encourage them to blend colours, create lighter tones, and leave some areas uncoloured to mimic the light reflecting off a bubble.

Step 5

Students repeat the process using different-sized circular shapes across their page. They can use the same colours or change colours with each bubble print. They may also choose colours that they find relaxing.

Step 6

Students continue making prints and blending pigments across their page until their work is filled with bubbles. They can overlap the bubbles or leave them separated, based on their artistic preference. Students should reflect on the process and how they feel as they are creating each print.


- What colours did you choose to use and why?
- What was the process in creating your prints?
- What did you enjoy about the process?
- What choices did you make while creating your work?
- What changes would you make if you were to create your work again?

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