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Reading is Magic

Consider the book for a moment: a bound collection of printed pages. An object we can hold in our hands, which contains life-sized characters and entire worlds. Simply by opening the pages and reading, we are able to access these characters, these worlds. 

Once read, our favourite books retain their magic. We keep them safely housed in bookcases, waiting dormant until called up for active duty once more. Now that’s magic!


Read, Grow, Inspire

Books are more than stories; they are gateways to new perspectives, expanding our understanding and empathy. Reading nurtures our curiosity, fuels our creativity, and challenges us to think critically.

As we engage with diverse narratives, we build resilience and cultural awareness. Through this continuous journey of learning, we grow, and in turn, we inspire others. As we read, we grow. As we grow, we inspire.


Dreaming With Eyes Open...

Dreaming with eyes open is about stepping into your own story, actively engaging with your life’s direction, rather than passively drifting.

It’s about embracing the wisdom of ancient cultures, listening to Country as the first storyteller, and learning from friends who guide us. In this way, we become the authors of our own destiny.


Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds

Books are portals to old worlds, new worlds, and other worlds, transporting us to the far side of the universe, or deep into the distant past or future. They allow us to explore, reminisce, and speculate. Most importantly, books reveal the world of others, fostering empathy and understanding by letting us experience the lives, thoughts, and perspectives of people beyond our own


Curious Creatures, Wild Minds

For young readers, curious creatures explain the world in ways that pure facts often cannot. Wild minds embrace mythical creatures and invented worlds, turning the unknown into something knowable and less frightening. These curious creatures help children process emotions, societal issues, and complex ideas, all through stories filled with imagination. Their wild minds transform impossible ideas into extraordinary adventures