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Paper Clay Textures

In this Zart Wellbeing activity lesson plan, students explore texture, form and repetition to create a paper clay collaborative sculpture.

Lesson 1

Students explore different forms and textures around them. Describe the forms and how they repeat to create new shapes and textures.

Lesson 2

Students use these forms and textures as inspiration for their work. Students will simplify these forms and experiment to replicate them using paper clay. Students focus on a select few forms and recreate them in clay.

Lesson 3

Students continue to create their chosen forms out of paper clay and repeat these forms. Students can experiment with creating different textures by pressing objects into the clay to create impressions.

Lesson 4

Students continue the process until they have created a multitude of different forms which repeat.

Lesson 5

Students can allow their clay pieces to dry. They will then explore how they can create a composition with these pieces as a group and paste down their clay forms on to a piece of card until their card is full of different clay forms and textures.