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Marbling with Oil Paint

In this video we will make some beautiful marbled papers whilst exploring the effects of oil paint and water.

Step 1

Thin your oil paints by adding equal parts of linseed oil and solvent. Stir well to dissolve any lumps of oil paint. Your paint should be the consistency of milk.

Step 2

Fill a shallow tray with water and drip your thinned oil paint onto the surface. Use a popstick to gently move the paint across the surface.

Step 3

Take a sheet of cartridge and holding the corners gently roll the sheet across the surface of the water. Turn your sheet so the paint is facing upwards and leave it to dry. The drying time will vary depending on the amount of oil added but leaving it for 24hrs should be sufficient.

Step 4

If you want to change colours drag some scrap paper across the surface of the water to soak up any left over oil paint.

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