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Cardboard Weaving Loom

In this lesson students will explore weaving on a cardboard loom. Students will create their warp strings on the loom and then weave through the warp strings with their weft strings. Students will use a variety of colours to create different shapes and patterns in their weaving.

Lesson 1

Show students examples of cardboard weaving. Show students the process and the correct terminology to use.

Students begin by threading the warp strings on their loom and tying them off at the ends to ensure they are tight but not warping the cardboard. Students will then thread their plastic needle with wool in a colour of their choice. Cut an arm’s length of wool so that it does not get tangled when weaving. Students should consider the patterns they want to use and colours before starting their weft.

Students tie the end of their wool to the top left corner of their loom leaving 1cm from the top. They will then move their needle under, then over the warp strings, alternating between each one. Once they have reached the end students will loop back their wool and continue back to the starting end ensuring they are alternating the weft strings on their warp strings. When students run out of wool or need a new colour they will tie off the end of their thread to the start of the warp strings and then tie a new thread to the warp and then thread their needle.

Lesson 2

Students continue weaving and changing colours to complete their design.


Reflect on the process of weaving and the terminology used. What other materials could be used in a weaving? What were the challenges you faced and how did you overcome these?


Encourage students to create different shapes in their weaving by starting on different points on the warp strings.

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