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Sea Anemone Gel Pen Drawing

In this Zart Wellbeing activity lesson plan, students explore line, shape and repetition to create a drawing inspired by sea anemones.

Lesson 1

Students explore coral reefs and sea creatures such as sea anemones. Discuss the shapes, lines, patterns and colours which students can see in these creatures.

Lesson 2

Students focus on some of the simple shapes and lines within their chosen sea creatures. Students draw these shapes on cartridge paper using gel pens. Students repeat these shapes and continue to draw them larger and larger such as the round shapes seen in sea anemones.

Lesson 3

Students continue to draw these patterns across their page, stopping and starting at different points.

Lesson 4

Students can change colours and mix colours while they draw.

Lesson 5

Students can also experiment with composition and space by drawing shapes behind other shapes to create a sense of depth.

Lesson 6

Students continue this process using smaller and larger shapes in different colours to fill their page.