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Plasticine Finger Painting

In this lesson students explore texture, colour, tone and movement to create a small plasticine finger painting. Students explore the medium of plasticine and how they can mix colours to create new tones and how these colours reflect emotion. Students mix and apply the plasticine to a small piece of card using their fingers. Students can apply the plasticine in layers exploring the movement and texture of the plasticine. 

Lesson 1

Explore the medium of plasticine. Discuss how the plasticine feels and the textures which it can create. Explore rolling the plasticine and how colours can be mixed to create different tones. Discuss how different colours can reflect different emotions.

Students choose 3 to 4 colours to use in their artwork to represent their chosen emotion. Students roll and mix these colours together to create new colours and tones. 

Students apply small pieces of plasticine on a piece of card. Break the plasticine into small pieces and smear them on to the surface. Students continue to apply the plasticine on to their card until they have covered the whole surface.

Once the surface is covered continue to apply more plasticine and explore the thick textures and the directions in which the plasticine moves. Students continue to apply plasticine until they feel their work is complete. 


How would you describe the texture you have created in your work?How would you describe the colours in your work?How would you describe the way that tone is presented in your work?How would you describe how movement is created in your work
What do your colours represent
What was the process you went through to create your work
What did you enjoy about creating your work
How have your peers represented other emotions? 

Extension and Differentiation:

Students can try to create an image using the finger painting technique with plasticine. Students can incorporate the use of clay tools in their work. 
Students can use paper clay instead of plasticine to create their work. 

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