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Paper Weaving with Patterns

In this lesson students will create a paper weaving which incorporates line and shape to create pattern. Students will weave 3 different coloured papers to create a mat and then will draw over each section to create a pattern.

Lesson 1

Students look at weaving patterns and how to create them. Students choose 3 different coloured papers to incorporate into their design. Students rule even lines running horizontally through 2 pieces of paper. They will then cut these out into strips.

Students will create their weaving template with their last piece of paper. Fold the paper in half and leave a ruler width gap on top and bottom. Rule even lines running vertically down the paper and cut them on the fold without cutting all the way to the edge of the paper.

Weave one coloured paper through the template, push it down to the bottom and do the same with the alternate colour, ensuring you weave through the template the opposite way. Repeat with alternating colours.

Lesson 2

Discuss different lines and shapes that can be incorporated into the work to create pattern. Students draw different repeating patterns on the same colours to create a symmetrical patterned weaving.


Discuss the use of colour combinations and the choice of patterns between other student's works. Which colour combinations and choice in patterns are successful and why?


Students can vary the shape in their weaving net, instead of cutting straight lines try jagged or wavy lines to change the shape.

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