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Exquisite Corpse Sculpture

In this lesson students explore the style of surrealism and explore the artworks of Max Ernst, Andre Breton and Salavador Dali. Students discuss the idea of the exquisite corpse and the process in creating one. Students then work collaboratively to create their own exquisite corpses using paper clay.

Lesson 1

Students explore surrealism and explore the works of Max Ernst, Andre Breton and Salvador Dali. Discuss the dream like scenes as a class, what does this style represent? Students then discuss the exquisite corpse game and the process of creating a drawing.

Show students paper clay and how to construct it over an armature. Students will use the paper clay to create an exquisite corpse collaboratively.

Students begin with the head of their sculpture. Students use aluminium foil to construct the base shape of their sculpture working at a small scale. They will then apply the paper clay over the foil and add small details using hand modelling skills. When students have completed their head they place it to the side before working on their next piece.

Next students have another 10 minutes to create the armature for the torso and apply paper clay over the top using the same technique as the head. Students create a different creature or object’s torso. After 10 minutes students repeat the process creating the legs of a creature.

Once students have completed the 3 sections of their creature they swap the torso and legs with another student. Students then adhere their sections of their exquisite corpse together with either supertac or more paper clay to link their body parts.


Students reflect on the process in creating their exquisite corpse and whether their finished sculpture is successful or not and whether their piece aligns with Surrealist ideas and style.


Students can create a drawing of their sculpture or recreate their exquisite corpse in Air drying clay on a larger scale and paint their creature with acrylics.

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