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Colour Switch Bubbles

In this lesson students will explore the work of Simon Heijdens and how he uses light in his pieces. Students will use colour switches or chalk pastels to create bubbles and experiment with blending colour. Students will discuss how light can be represented in an artwork through colour.

Lesson 1

Show students images of Simon Heijdens' work and discuss how he explores light and movement as a class.

Demonstrate how colour switches or chalk pastels can be applied and blended on paper. Students sketch out a few bubbles in different sizes and shapes. Students can use templates or objects to assist them in creating the shapes of their bubbles. Encourage students to think about how they want their bubbles to look (e.g. filled with light, floating in the air, etc).

Students work over their circles using colour switches. Encourage students to experiment with blending and layering colors to create depth and texture in their bubbles. Optionally, students can use a damp brush or cotton swab to blend the chalk pastel and create a softer, more watercolor-like effect.

Students use a blending stump or cotton swab to refine the details of their bubbles and create a more polished final product.
Have students share their finished drawings with the class and discuss the different techniques they used to create their bubbles.


Students can reflect on what they learned about the work of Simon Heijdens and how they have created light in their piece.


Students can work on a large scale and experiment with different materials to create their bubbles such as oil pastels or water colour paints.

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