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Aussie Food Baubles

Food is wonderfully nostalgic! We attach vivid memories and feelings to certain foods because we’re reminded of friends and family members, our cultural backgrounds, and past experiences. This activity requires students to model a bauble inspired by the foods of their summer, festive table and/or childhood.

Step 1

Use an assortment of Magiclay and Modelling Foam to model a food of your choice. Explore different textures and colours. TIP: Thin flat shapes require less clay. For thicker food shapes, first create an armature from foil, newspaper, poly shapes, cardboard, etc. Then apply a thin layer of clay over the top.

Step 2

Additional details or elements may also be added, such as popsticks.

Step 3

Allow the finished bauble to dry for a short time, then use a plastic needle or T-pin to pierce a hole through the shape, then allow to dry completely.

Step 4

When the model is dry, thread a piece of cotton string through the shape for a hanger. NB: Providing students with a range of different Magiclays and Modelling Foams will allow for more varied and realistic creations. However, purchasing all the materials listed will provide enough clay for multiple classes to use