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3D Mosaic Tortoise Sculpture

In this lesson students will explore the mosaic process in creating a 3D sculpture. Students will use a poly ball as an armature and use potato clay to model a shape around the ball. Students will then use magiclay to cover an area of their sculpture and stick mosaic tiles into the magiclay before painting the rest of the sculpture with watercolour.

Lesson 1

Students explore different mosaic works from a variety of artists (Pamela Irving, Valeria Ercolani, Bruno Zenobio, etc). Discuss the shapes and forms of the artworks and aesthetic qualities of a mosaic.

Students design their own 3D mosaic piece using a poly ball as the base of their sculpture. This could be inspired by nature, animals or mythical creatures. Students draw out their design and annotate how they will use mosaic tiles in their work

Lesson 2

Students use potato clay over their poly ball to create their 3D form. Model and join different features to your armature.

Lesson 3

Students add magiclay to their work and press Plastic mosaic tiles into it to attach them.

Lesson 4

Students complete their design by adding watercolour paint.


Students discuss the similarities and differences between their own work and the work of a mosaic artist. What are the differences in materials and the process in which they have been used.


Students can create their own armatures out of foil or joining different poly shapes to create unique designs.

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