Sun Dyes & Batik Wax



 Method: Sun Dyes & Batik Wax

Step One

Use a lightweight pure cotton or silk and stretch fabric over an embroidery hoop. 

Step Two

Using a soft brush, apply Batik Cold Wax onto the fabric creating a pattern or design. 

Step Three

Try to apply the Batik Cold Wax as evenly as possible. 

Step Four

Once happy with your design, allow the Batik Cold Wax to dry.

Step Five

Using a soft brush, apply Sun Dyes to the fabric, working over and around the dry Batik Cold Wax.

Step Six

Continue painting the fabric until your design is complete. 

Step Seven

Once the Sun Dyes have dried, remove the fabric from the embroidery hoop and place in between two sheets of lightweight paper. 

Step Eight

Using a dry iron on a cotton setting, iron the top sheet of paper. This will remove the Batik Cold Wax from the fabric and set the Sun Dyes at the same time. 

Step Nine

Continue ironing until you can see your Batik Cold Wax design through the paper. Lift the sheet of paper off. 

Step Ten

Your cold wax batik is complete and ready to embellish or leave as is!