How to Enter

1. Be a student currently enrolled in an Australian primary, secondary or special education school,
or an Australian home school student.

2. Create a postcard-sized artwork of your choosing.

3. Write your entry details on the back of your artwork. (see below)

4. Submit your artwork to Zart:

Send via Post:
Zart Student Art Prize
Bunurong Country,
14-17 Dansu Court,
Hallam, VIC 3803

Drop off at Zart:
Zart Shop & Student Gallery
Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung Country,
4/41 Lexton Road,
Box Hill North, VIC 3129

All artworks must be submitted physically to be considered.
For student privacy reasons we recommend submitting artwork inside a sealed envelope.


What entry details are needed?

Entry details must be written on the back of the artwork before submitting.
Entry details must include:

  • Student Name:
  • Year level:
  • School Name:
  • School Address, State & Postcode:
  • Email Address of guardian or teacher:
  • Artwork Title:
  • Medium used:
  • Artist Statement (in one sentence):


What is an ‘Artist Statement’?

An artist statement is a brief sentence that describes what you made and why you made it.


What are the prize dates?

Entries Open: Monday 2nd October, 2023
Entries Close: Friday 1st December, 2023
Exhibition Opening & Winners Announcement: Saturday 16th December, 2023

Exhibition Dates:
Zart Student Gallery
16 December 2023 – End of March 2024

Travelling Roadshow
Terms 1-4, 2024 (dates and locations tba)


What are the Prizes and Entry Categories?

ONE winner from EACH of the 7 Australian States / Territories (ACT & NT are combined)
will be selected for EACH of the 4 category levels below:

Category 1: Junior Primary (Foundation – 2)
Category 2: Senior Primary (Level 3 – 6)
Category 3: Junior Secondary (Level 7 – 9)
Category 4: Senior Secondary (Level 10 – VCE)

Each of the 28 winners will receive:

  • $100 Zart Gift Voucher for the artist, plus
  • $100 Zart Gift Voucher for their nominated school.*

*School portion of the prize is not included for Home School entrants. Home School entrants are only eligible to win the student portion of the awarded prize.


Does the prize have a theme?

No – you are free to create any artwork you wish!


What size does the artwork need to be?

All artworks must fit A6 dimensions to be accepted (105mm x 148.5mm)

Artworks must be submitted physically and therefore must be relatively flat (approx no thicker than 1-2cm)


What is the Judging Criteria?

The Student Art Prize Judges will select the winning artworks based on the strength of these criteria:

  • Use of materials and aesthetic qualities
  • Artistic concept and ideas
  • Originality in design


Who are the Judges?

The Student Art Prize Judges are Zart Artists & Consultants Tahlia Megele and Tania Di Berardino.


Can I submit my artwork digitally?

Artworks cannot be submitted via email attachment or image file, etc.
All entries must be physically received by Zart to be accepted.

Digital or photographic artworks are of course accepted;
as long as they are printed in A6 size and submitted physically by post or drop-off.


What kinds of artworks are accepted?

There are no limitations to the mediums used as long as they fit the required size dimensions, can fit in a standard envelope, and can be displayed easily on a wall for exhibition.

All artworks entered must have been created in the last 12 months preceding the entry closing date. It must be the original and unaided work of the entrant and cannot infringe the copyright, moral rights or other rights of any third party.


I am a STUDENT, how many times can I enter?

You can only submit one artwork. ONE ENTRY PER STUDENT.


I am a TEACHER or PARENT, can I submit artwork on behalf of my child?

YES you can submit work on behalf of your children with their consent. Entry details must be completed for EACH submission.


I am a PARENT and have more than one child. Can I use our ONE family email address for all their entries?

YES – but each entry must include the individual entry details.


I am a TEACHER or FACILITATOR of a private or community-based art class,
can I submit artwork on behalf of my students?

YES – As long as your students fit the eligibity criteria you can submit work on behalf of your students with their consent.
Entry details must be completed for EACH submission.

*Please note: Should the entrant’s artwork be selected as a winner for their category, the school portion of the prize will be awarded to the entrant’s nominated registered Australian school, as this cannot be allocated to an individual, business or organisation.
Home School students are also only eligible to win the student portion of the awarded prize.


How do I know if you’ve received my Artwork?

All entrants will be notified by email within 1 week of their artwork being received.
If you do not receive an email confirmation from Zart, please contact us at
Alternatively we recommend sending artworks by trackable post.


Will I get my artwork back?

Artworks submitted to this Prize & Exhibition will NOT be sent back, unless the entrant arranges to do so.

To request artworks returned by POST: Please clearly mark the back of artwork with “RETURN BY POST” and provide an addressed return paid envelope.
To request collection from Zart Box Hill Student Gallery: Please clearly mark the back of artwork with “REQUEST TO PICK UP” and contact to arrange a pick up time & date to collect.

Artworks requested for return may be collected at the conclusion of the exhibition in Term 2, 2024.


Can I enter an old artwork?

All artworks entered must have been created in the last 12 months preceding the entry closing date. It must be the original and unaided work of the entrant and cannot infringe the copyright, moral rights or other rights of any third party.


About the Student Gallery Exhibition & Opening

All eligible entries received by Zart by 1st December, 2023 will automatically be included in the Term One Zart Student Gallery Exhibition.

The Exhibition Opening Celebration & Winners Announcement will be held on

Saturday 16th December
10am – 12pm

(official announcements at 11am)
Zart Student Gallery
Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung Country

Upstairs, 4/41 Lexton Road
Box Hill North, VIC 3129

All entrants and their family and teachers are invited to the Opening event.

Please email to advise your RSVP attendance numbers.

Onsite parking is limited at this venue, so please respect other businesses allocated parking spaces and allow extra time to arrive.
Please take care for children’s safety when driving, parking or dropping off for this event.


About the Travelling Roadshow Exhibition

The 28 selected winning artworks will be featured in the Zart Student Art Prize Travelling Roadshow Exhibition.

The Travelling Exhibition will be sent from state to state around Australia throughout Terms 1-3 in 2024.

Exhibition Dates & Locations will be announced Term One 2024.


Do I have to be an Australian enrolled student to enter?

Yes. This National Student Art Prize is ONLY open to students currently enrolled into a Primary and Secondary School, within Australia, including Special Education students and Australian Home School Students.


Can home school students enter?

Australian home-school students can enter into their relevant category but are only eligible to win the student portion of the awarded prize.


Can international students enter?

No. This National Student Art prize is open to ALL and ONLY students currently enrolled into a Primary and Secondary School, within Australia, including Special Education students and Australian Home School Students.


How will I know if I win?

Winners will be announced at the Student Gallery Exhibition Opening event on Saturday 16th December.
Announcements will also be made on our Zart Social Media platforms.

The 28 selected winning students and their schools will be contacted by email from Monday 18th December
to advise of your win and to arrange delivery of the Zart Gift Voucher prizes.


Can students enter a collaborative artwork?

Yes, however entries representing partnerships between individuals will be accepted as one entry and on the understanding that each contribution is deemed equal. Entry details must include name & details for EACH participant, and MUST be enrolled at the same school. If selected as winner, the student prize will be split equally amongst the entrants. The School Prize will only go to the one school.


Will student’s names and school be published?

For privacy reasons only the student’s FIRST NAME, CATEGORY LEVEL and STATE will be published. All other student details remain confidential and will not be used for any other purpose than to verify that the student meets our terms and conditions of entry and can be contacted in relation to this prize.


Will student’s artwork be published?

The 28 winning artworks will be published by Zart on our website and social media pages sharing the Student Art Prize 2023 winners. Some images of the Student Gallery Exhibition and Opening Event featuring all artwork entries may also be photographed for Zart publishing purposes on our website and social media pages.


Why might an entry not be approved?

An entry may not be approved if the entrant does not qualify for entry (if not enrolled into an Australian primary, secondary school, home school or Special School) or if the entry form is not completed, or if the artwork submitted does not meet the required specifications.


What if my entry arrives late?

Any entries received after the closing date on Friday 1st December will still be included for display in the Student Gallery Exhibition where possible, however late entries may not be considered in the Judges winners selection.



Zart reserves the right to disqualify any entry or entrant for any reason without penalty to Zart.
Zart will award the advertised prizes to the nominated student & school winners as determined by the judges.
The Judges decisions, once made, are final.


For More Information

For more information about the Student Art Prize entries and exhibitions, please contact us at