Dinosaurs Mixed Media Collages

Term: 2 Year: 2006
Dinosaurs 1
Dinosaurs 6
Dinosaurs 5
Dinosaurs 4
Dinosaurs 3
Dinosaurs 2

Middle Years

  • Children drew several dinosaurs initially & chose one design to continue collage work with.
  • Foreground, background, habitats were discussed with emphasis on vegetation creativity.
  • The range of materials for this collage extended as far as the children’s imagination could take them…Wallpaper, carpet, vinyl, tissue, sawdust, sand, felt, fabric scraps, corrugated card, sequins, goggle eyes, hessian, paint etc.
  • Backgrounds & foregrounds were completed first.
  • The dinosaur was then created and added. Most vegetation was added last.


  • The middle years dinosaur sketches were enlarged and used as a base for our prep dinosaur collages.
  • Line patterns were added to the dinosaur designs to provide prep children with a guide when collaging, as well as appreciation of line and pattern.
  • Middle year’s children worked with the prep children when collaging- providing discussion about materials, skill & technique.
  • Middle year’s children created the background & vegetation collage.
  • Materials used were hessian, wallpaper, patty pans, foam off-cuts, foil, carpet off-cuts, shaped textile pieces, painted paper squares, corrugated card etc.

HIllsmeade Primary School