Tip: There are many types of resin on the market. We stock two primary options, which are both epoxy based resins. Epoxy Resin Clear Glaze is flexible (ideal for stretched canvasses) and allows for about 45 minutes working time for 100ml of resin (this is preferable when you want to experiment with the method and allow the resin to interact fluidly on the surface).
Craft Smart Liquid Gloss will completely harden and allows about 15 minutes working time for 100ml of resin (this is preferable when you want to have more control over your resin art – whilst the resin is still fluid it won’t move as much). Both resins come in a range of sizes to suit your needs.
Note: Curing time is faster for larger volumes as the resin heats itself up. To avoid this, mix up your desired batch size of resin and then distribute into plastic cups before adding your colour, creating smaller volumes of resin, to reduce the temperature and slow down curing time (i.e., giving you more working time).
Tip: You may use other colourants such as drawing inks, acrylic paint or mica powder to colour your resin. Be careful not to add too much as it can upset the resin-to-colour ratio and affect the curing process. Try adding a fingernail sized drop per 100ml of resin.
Note: If your resin is sticky after 24 hours, there has been a problem and it will not cure! The possible issues are listed below, but be reassured that you can correct this by applying a clear layer of resin over the surface, ensuring you correct the initial conditions. – Part A and B need to be mixed in equal parts, otherwise the resin will remain tacky and will not harden. – Make sure parts A and B have not been contaminated. – Resin should cure between 20 and 25 degrees celsius for 24 hours (the first 8 hours is most important). If the temperature is higher than 25 whilst working, the resin will cure at a faster rate giving you less time to work with it, but it will still cure fine. If the temperature drops below 20 degrees during the first 8 hours, your resin will never cure and will always remain tacky.
If you have any questions, please email or call (03) 9890 1867. Our consultants are highly skilled and knowledgeable in resin and offer some great tips and tricks to achieve the best results.